Specialist school expertise
Specialist school expertise

Digital technologies curriculum experts

We’re a trusted partner, with specialist expertise across the entire digital technologies curriculum. Whether your school needs to build internal capability, extend existing curriculum or extra-curricular programs, or provide students access to learning pathways in critical 21st century skills, we’re here to help

Why partner with EdTech Group?

Alleviate teacher workload with an experienced, trusted partner that provides a comprehensive suite of tested, well-designed learning materials that support your stated learning priorities. Whether you need to fill curriculum gaps in new learning areas like Cyber Security, provide your teachers with professional development, deliver curriculum extension to your gifted and talented programs, or simply want to inspire students with an amazing, engaging incursion, we’ve got you covered.

Our solutions

Our experience across the full spectrum of the Digital Technologies curriculum ensures innovative solutions that save your teachers time, and extend your existing learning pathways with hands-on, engaging programs your students will really love!

The EdTech difference

We’re an experienced and trusted Digital Technologies partner to Government, Independent and Catholic schools across Australia. 

Best Practice content

High quality learning pathways, developed by teachers and implemented by specialist instructional designers

On-demand platforms

Next-gen digital learning platforms with comprehensive student reporting capabilities, and simple-to-use student progress dashboards


Provide a safe, secure learning environment for staff and students to practice digital technologies skills in cyber, coding and robotics

Let's chat!

We’re always looking for like-minded businesses and partners to help realise our vision of delivering world-class digital technologies education. 

Contact us today